Mar 13, 2025
DUTEC 120 - Obstetrics and Gynecological Sonography 5 CR
Presents current theory and scanning techniques for medical sonographers, focusing on obstetrics and gynecology procedures and pathologies.
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into program or permission of program chair.
Course Outcomes - Identify, by name and relative position, pertinent anatomy in the female pelvis during examination of ultrasound films and ultrasound films and ultrasound videotape, as well as on live or simulated scans.
- Define normal size ranges for pelvic organs.
- Describe the normal physiologic processes of the female reproductive organs and identify evidence of those processes during ultrasonic examination.
- Identify pathology in the female pelvis during examination of ultrasound films and ultrasound videotape, as well as on live or simulated scans.
- Outline the course of infertility management, with emphasis on ultrasound imaging.
- Correlate clinical data and ultrasound images in order to draw reasonable conclusions about a patient’s condition and diagnosis.
- List minimum criteria for an adequate obstetric exam at varying stages of pregnancy.
- Identify pathology occurring in pregnancy of both fetal and maternal origin during examination of ultrasound films and ultrasound videotape, as well as on live or simulated scans.
- Identify outward signs of fetal genetic anomalies during examination of ultrasound films and ultrasound videotape, as well as on live or simulated scans.
- List tests used in screening for anomalies and for management of the high-risk patient, and define their appropriate use or application.
- Describe factors that could affect the quality of the OB/GYN ultrasound image, and techniques that might be utilized to improve imaging.
- Identify patient’s needs and describe appropriate responses in given circumstances.
- Describe state-of-the-art examinations and procedures done with ultrasound.
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