Mar 14, 2025
ESL 055 - English as a Second Language (ESL) Level 5 1-10 CR
Prepares English-as-a-second language students to understand sustained conversation and instructions and to communicate independently in various situations. Students apply reading strategies and critical thinking skills when reading materials from authentic sources. Students write and edit organized paragraphs. This is low advanced ESL. Students must show progress in three quarters of instruction. Course is credit/no credit.
Prerequisite(s): Placement by assessment.
Course Outcomes Speaking and Listening
• contribute to a variety of discussions with partners, groups, and the whole class
• be prepared for discussion by having read or studied required material
• talk about a written text read aloud or information presented online or in other forms (such as video)
• determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by details
• summarize the text
• explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support an idea in a text and identify which reasons and evidence support which point(s)
• use context of reading as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrases
• produce clear and organized paragraphs appropriate for the task, purpose, and audience.
• write your opinions on topics and support your opinions with reasons and information.
• use appropriate verb tenses to convey ideas
• use correct capitalization, periods, commas, and other punctuation
• Log into Canvas
• Send messages to your teacher in Canvas
• Check your grades in Canvas
• Complete assignments in Canvas
• Participate in discussions with classmates and your teacher in Canvas
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