Mar 20, 2025
CHEM 272 - Undergraduate Research in Chemistry 6 CR
This course is designed for students to get a head start into the field of fundamental and applied chemistry research by providing knowledge and experience using the scientific method to tackle real life problems. Topics include developing a question and hypothesis, designing an experiment, collecting data, drawing conclusions from findings and presenting research.
Prerequisite(s): CHEM 161 with a C or better, or instructor permission.
Course Outcomes - Conduct a literature search that demonstrates comprehension of the material.
- Identify a question and devise a hypothesis by reading scientific journal articles and other technical literature.
- Maintain a scientific notebook and demonstrate good lab practices.
- Use field sampling equipment and/or analytical laboratory techniques for designing and carrying out research using standard methods when appropriate.
- Analyze and interpret data using statistical techniques and error analysis.
- Conduct a scientific study and present research in writing or orally.
GenEd Outcomes: Creative and Critical Thinking - Critical Thinking/Problem Solving
- Quantitative/Symbolic Reasoning
- Research/Information Literacy
- Scientific Inquiry (Nature of Science)
GenEd Outcomes: Connections - Self-Assessment/Life Goals
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