Mar 31, 2025
AHEA 110 - Health Unit Coordinator I 5 CR
First in a series of courses that focus on the skills needed to become a Health Unit Coordinator. Includes certification requirements, basic data entry, proper workplace behavior, and basic office procedures. Application of these skills will be done in a lab setting.
Prerequisite(s): Placement by assessment into ENGL 101 , or completion of ENGL 092 or ENGL 093 with a C or better. Successful completion of AHE 100 , AHE 110 , AHE 120 , HLTH 145 ; AHEA 100 , AHEA 102 , AHEA 104 , and AHEA 106 with a C or better at BC; or permission of Program Chair.
Course Outcomes
- Explain the history and purpose of the health unit coordinating profession and history of the National Association of Health Unit Coordinators (NAHUC).
- Identify the tasks that health unit coordinators perform which aid nurses, doctors, hospitals, patients and visitors.
- Explain the function of the departments in finance, diagnostic, and therapeutic services, additional services, and operational services.
- Identify the proper use of communication systems found in health care facilities and describe the uses of each.
- Analyze and demonstrate proper workplace behavior in regards to legal versus ethical issues, employment law, and patient privacy regulations i.e. HIPAA.
- Explain the needs of a diverse patient population.
- Describe the certification and recertification process for health unit coordinators.
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