Oct 06, 2024  
2024-25 Catalog 
2024-25 Catalog

Academic Information


For most up-to-date information, visit bellevuecollege.edu/policies/id-3000/

Bellevue College uses a letter grading system to reflect student achievement. Letter grades factor into a student’s Bellevue College grade point average (GPA), as indicated below. Generally, all courses are graded A-F unless an alternative grade is indicated in the course catalog.

Grading Criteria

BC Letter Grades A-F with assigned decimal values and decimal equivalents for transfer-in calculations. The college rounds transfer-in decimal grades to the nearest tenth.

A grades indicate outstanding achievement

  • A = 4.0 points per credit hour
  • Decimal equivalent for transfer-in calculations = 4.0
  • A- = 3.7 points per credit hour
  • Transfer-in grades of 3.7-3.9 are calculated as an A-

B grades indicate high achievement

  • B+ = 3.3 points per credit hour
  • Transfer-in grades of 3.3-3.6 are calculated as a B+
  • B = 3.0 points per credit hour
  • Transfer-in grades of 3.0-3.2 are calculated as a B
  • B- = 2.7 points per credit hour
  • Transfer-in grades of 2.7-2.9 are calculated as a B-

C grades indicate adequate achievement

  • C+ = 2.3 points per credit hour
  • Transfer-in grades of 2.3-2.6 are calculated as a C+
  • C = 2.0 points per credit hour
  • Transfer-in grades of 2.0-2.2 are calculated as a C
  • C- = 1.7 points per credit hour
  • Transfer-in grades of 1.7-1.9 are calculated as a C-

D grades indicate poor achievement

  • D+ = 1.3 points per credit hour
  • Transfer-in grades of 1.3-1.6 are calculated as a D+
  • D = 1.0 points per credit hour
  • Transfer-in grades of 1.0-1.2 are calculated as a D

F grades indicate inadequate achievement

  • F = 0.0
  • The college does not transfer-in grades below a D

Other Grades


S = 2.0 points per credit hour or higher

  • Indicates a grade of C or higher
  • Students earn credit
  • No points calculated into the Bellevue College GPA
  • Use is determined by the college


U = less than 2.0 points per credit hour

  • Indicates a grade of less than a C
  • Students earn no credit
  • No points calculated into the Bellevue College GPA; treated as an F grade for financial aid purposes
  • Use is determined by the college


CR = no decimal value

  • Students earn credit
  • No points calculated into the Bellevue College GPA
  • Use is determined by the college

No Credit

NC = no decimal value

  • Students earn no credit
  • No points calculated into the Bellevue College GPA; treated as an F grade for financial aid purposes
  • Use is determined by the college

Other Designations

Official Withdrawal

W = no decimal value

  • Students initiate an official withdrawal during the established deadlines as listed on the academic calendar
  • Does not calculate into the Bellevue College GPA
  • See Policy 2450, Official Withdrawal from a Course, for details


N = no decimal value

  • Students receive instruction, but do not earn grades or points.
  • Available option for all students.
  • Does not calculate into the Bellevue College GPA


I = no decimal value

  • Students did not fulfill the requirements needed to complete the class.
  • Issued at instructor’s discretion.
  • Students must have completed 85 percent of the required work and have a grade of C or better at the time the incomplete is issued.
  • Does not calculate into the Bellevue College GPA

Academic Renewal

X = no decimal value

  • Issued retrospectively to students approved for academic renewal
  • Does not calculate into the Bellevue College GPA

Grade Dispute

For most up-to-date information visit bellevuecollege.edu/policies/id-3000p

The following procedures are established for students who wish to contest grades for work submitted during the quarter and final class grades.
Students should refer to 1440P, Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation, for complaints related to possible discrimination; and to 1450P, General Complaint Resolution, for general complaints about a college employee.


Students who wish to dispute a grade may start the process as soon as the grade in question is issued, but, no later than two quarters (including summer quarter) after the college posts the final grade to the student’s transcript for the class in question. This timeline ensures availability of instructor records for review if needed. The college may dismiss a grade dispute if the stated timelines in this procedure are not followed.

Step One: Contact course instructor

Students must first contact their instructor by email to see if the dispute can be resolved at this level, either through a correction or an explanation.

  • Students must contact their instructors using their BC email accounts.
  • The email must clearly state the issue the student wishes to address or resolve.

Students can expect (step one):

  • During the regular academic year, fall quarter through spring quarter, instructors should respond with a determination regarding the dispute within ten (10) instruction days.
    • Instructors may not be available during the breaks between quarters and during the summer.
  • Students may go directly to step two below under the following circumstances:
    • During the summer if the instructor is not available.
    • If the instructor no longer works for the college or is off campus for an extended period.
    • If the instructor does not initially respond or acknowledge the email within ten (10) instruction days.
    • If a student is unable to successfully resolve the grade dispute after communicating with the instructor.

Step Two: Contact the department chair

Students who believe their instructors did not satisfactorily resolve their grade dispute may contact the appropriate department chair by email. Contact information can be found through the department webpage or Student Central. Student Central can provide students with the contact information for the department chair for the class in question. If the department chair is also the instructor, go directly to step three below.

  • Students must contact the department chair using their BC email accounts.
  • The email must clearly state the dispute and steps the student took to resolve the issues with the instructor.
  • Students should provide any documentation that may help to explain their dispute about the issued grade. At a minimum, documentation must include emails exchanged with the instructor in an attempt to resolve the dispute, but may also include copies of assignments, course syllabus, or other items.

Students can expect (step two):

  • During the regular academic year, fall quarter through spring quarter, the department chair must respond within ten (10) instruction days. The department chair may do one or more of the following:
    • Contact the instructor to discuss the issue and the concern.
    • Facilitate a meeting between the student and the instructor.
    • Contact the division dean to discuss the dispute.
    • Make a non-binding recommendation to the instructor regarding a course of action or a resolution.
    • Refer the dispute directly to the division dean.
  • Department chairs may not be available during the breaks between quarters and may have limited hours during the summer.
  • Students must go directly to step three below under the following circumstances:
    • If department chair does not initially respond or acknowledge a student’s email within ten (10) instruction days. After acknowledging the student’s initial email, the department chair may take up to an additional ten (10) instruction days to make a recommendation regarding the dispute.
    • If a student is unable to successfully resolve the dispute with the department chair within ten (10) instruction days after initial contact is confirmed they may proceed to step three.

Step Three: Contact the division dean

The division dean may recommend a resolution for a student’s dispute or refer the dispute to the next step. Student Central or the relevant department can provide students with the name and contact information of the division dean, or the division office for the class in question.

  • Students must contact the division dean using their BC email accounts or contact the division office and request an appointment with the dean.
  • The email must include the following, or the student must provide the following to the division office prior to meeting with the division dean:
    • A written account of the dispute, the steps taken to resolve the dispute, and the student’s desired resolution.
    • Copies of emails between the student and the instructor and, if applicable, the department chair.
    • Other documents that support the dispute, including a copy of the course syllabus.

Students can expect (step three):

  • The division dean informs the student of an approximate timeline regarding when the student can expect to receive a recommendation regarding the dispute.
  • The division dean responds with a non-binding recommendation to the instructor after meeting with the student or receiving the documentation. The division dean may also take one or more of the following steps:
    • Contact the instructor to discuss the dispute.
    • Facilitate a meeting between the student and the instructor.
    • Refer the issue directly to the Student Academic Grievance Committee (step four).
  • Students may go directly to step four below under the following circumstances:
    • The division dean does not respond to the student.
    • The division dean does not provide a recommendation by the stated timeline.
    • The dispute is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction with the division dean.

Step Four: Division dean contacts the Student Academic Grievance Committee

If the division dean does not resolve the student’s grade dispute to the student’s satisfaction, the student may request that the dean refer the issue to the Student Academic Grievance Committee, or the division dean may also initiate contact with the committee. The Student Academic Grievance Committee convenes and holds grade dispute hearings during fall, winter and spring quarters, and may not be available during the summer.

The committee includes the following members:

  • One (1) faculty member elected by the Bellevue College Association of Higher Education (BCAHE), who serves as committee chair for the academic year.
  • Two (2) faculty members selected from the same or related academic department as the class with the disputed grade.
  • One (1) faculty member selected without regard to the class in question.
  • Two (2) student representatives appointed by the Associated Student Government (ASG) president.

Students can expect (step four):

  • The chair of the Student Academic Grievance Committee provides written notice of the date and time of the hearing to the student’s BC email and the instructor of the class in question within ten (10) instruction days (fall through spring only) of the division dean’s request.
    • The committee reviews documentation and correspondence related to the grade dispute.
  • After the review, the committee holds a closed hearing with the following participants:
    • The student.
    • The instructor.
    • Others deemed relevant by the chair of the committee.
    • The student may also invite a student support college employee and one other person chosen by the student.
  • The committee chair provides a written recommendation and information supporting the recommendation to the college’s chief academic officer within ten (10) instruction days after the hearing.
  • The chief academic officer reviews the recommendation, consults as needed with the parties involved, and provides a final decision within ten (10) instruction days after receiving the recommendation from the committee.
    • Students may not appeal this final decision.
    • If the result is a change to the disputed grade, the chief academic officer notifies Student Central to update the grade.

Student Support Employee

Students may request that a college employee or an elected member of the Associated Student Government (ASG) assist with the grade dispute process and be present for any meetings that take place. The college does not require students to obtain a support employee or an ASG representative to initiate the process.

Due to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), parents, friends, or other non-college affiliated individuals may only participate in meetings with advance approval from the college employees identified in steps one through three. If approval is given, the student must complete a separate or new Student Information Release Authorization form prior to the scheduled meeting and submit the form to Student Central for processing at least 24 hours before the meeting. A parent or other individual not affiliated with the college may attend the Academic Grievance Committee hearing with the student’s permission.


Instruction days: Days the college is open and holding classes. Breaks between quarters, weekends, holidays, or non-instructional days do not count. Consult the academic calendar for details.

Final Examination

For most up-to-date information visit bellevuecollege.edu/policies/id-3250/

It is the policy of Bellevue College that final exams may be used only in connection with the use of other evaluative techniques throughout each period of instruction, and no examination, including the final exam, shall make up more than 33 percent of a student’s final grade. Consultation between the instructor and the student is deemed desirable concerning the specific results of examinations, quizzes, or other evaluative techniques or circumstances.

Schedule Issues

Instructors are not required to give final examinations; however, a college-wide final examination period is scheduled each quarter, according to the following considerations and restrictions:

  • The final week of the quarter shall have no more than a three-day schedule providing a contiguous two-hour time period for each class for purposes of testing, review, etc.
  • The final exam schedule will be published in the quarterly schedule for each quarter.
  • During the final examination period, classes are expected to meet during the published time whether final exams are being given or not; instructors have the option of giving no final exam or of giving exams of less than two hours’ duration.
  • The final examination schedule is for college credit classes only. Continuing education and community service classes will meet as regularly scheduled through the final week of the quarter.

Restrictions and Conflicts

  • Final examinations in the last week of the quarter are restricted to the examination schedule. Classes will meet according to the final examination schedule. Classes will not meet during the final examination period other than as indicated in the exam schedule.
  • An instructor with questions and/or conflicts should discuss these with his or her division chair.
  • Students shall not be required to take more than two final exams in any single day. The student should discuss the conflict in advance with the instructors involved, and make arrangements for an alternate day and time for one or more examination.
  • Efforts are made to avoid double-scheduling of final exams. However, in instances when a student has more than one exam scheduled for the same time period, the student should discuss the conflict in advance with the instructors involved, and make arrangements for an alternate day and time for one or more examination.

Withdrawal from a Course

For most up-to-date information, visit bellevuecollege.edu/policies/id-2450p/

Students may officially withdraw from a course or courses during the established deadlines as listed in the academic/enrollment calendar. Students are subject to the refund deadlines as published in the academic/enrollment calendar. In accordance with state law the college may make an exception to the established withdrawal and refund deadlines in the following situations:

  • A serious medical situation
  • Fulfilling a military service obligation that exceeds 30 calendar days


Student Initiated Official Withdrawal

The following conditions apply to students withdrawing from courses during fall, winter and spring quarters. Summer quarter has different deadlines. Students should check the academic/enrollment calendar for exact dates regarding deadlines. Additionally, some courses start late or end early in the quarter. These courses also have different withdrawal deadlines.

  • Students may officially withdraw online, at the Enrollment Services counter, or by contacting the Enrollment Services Office. The instructor’s signature is not required.
  • Students may drop a course through the tenth instructional day of the quarter without a transcript entry.
  • An official grade of “W” is entered on the transcript for students who drop a course or courses after the tenth instructional day of the quarter and through the seventh week of the quarter. W grades are not included in the grade point average (GPA) calculation.
  • Students who miss the deadline to withdraw from a class but have extenuating circumstances that are not related to a medical or military service situation may be approved for a late official withdrawal (no refund if beyond the refund period) if they can demonstrate there was a situation that prevented them from contacting the Enrollment Services Office by the required deadline. Students must submit a request in writing to the Enrollment Services Office.

Medical Withdrawal

  • To request a medical withdrawal, which includes a full refund of tuition and class related fees, students must complete the Medical Withdrawal form and the requirements listed on the form, and submit it to the Enrollment Services Office.
  • Medical situations may relate to the student and the student’s family, which includes parents/step-parents, siblings, children, spouse, or domestic partner.
  • Medical withdrawals are not approved for chronic health conditions, or health conditions known to the student at the start of the quarter. Exceptions are made on a case-by-case basis, and students who wish to pursue an exception should complete the Medical Withdrawal form and process.
  • Students that require accommodations based on a disability should register with the Disability Resource Center (DRC) before the start of the quarter. A medical withdrawal is not usually considered an accommodation, but may be approved if an unusual or unexpected situation occurs related to the disability.
  • A complete withdrawal from all classes is required.
  • An official grade of “W” appears on the transcript.
  • A 100% refund of tuition and class related fees is provided for approved medical withdrawals.
  • Medical withdrawals are not approved for subsequent quarters for the same or related condition or situation. Exceptions are made on a case-by-case basis, and students who wish to pursue an exception should complete the Medical Withdrawal form and process.
  • Financial Aid students, international students, veterans, and other students who are participating in special aid or support programs should check with their program advisor to determine if withdrawing from classes will result in possible eligibility issues or required repayment of funds.

Military Service Withdrawal

  • To request a military service withdrawal, students must complete the Military Service Withdrawal form and the requirements listed on the form, and submit it to the Enrollment Services Office.
  • To be eligible, students must be absent from school and in military service for a period of time that exceeds 30 calendar days.
  • Service members may elect to withdraw from one or more courses.
  • An official grade of W appears on the transcript.
  • A 100% refund of tuition and class related fees is provided for approved military service withdrawals
  • Financial Aid students, international students, veterans, and other students who are participating in special aid or support programs should check with their program advisor to determine if withdrawing from classes will result in possible eligibility issues or required repayment of funds.


The Director of Enrollment Services has responsibility for enforcing these procedures.


  • Official Withdrawal: Initiated by students within the deadlines posted in the academic/enrollment calendar, and designated with a “W” on the transcript. Refund deadlines apply.
  • Medical Withdrawal: Initiated by students who have a physical, or mental health situation that is documented by a state licensed health care provider. A full refund of tuition and class related fees is the primary benefit of the medical withdrawal process, as refund deadlines do not apply.
  • Military Service: Deployment or service that requires a service member’s absence from school for more than 30 calendar days. Results in an official withdrawal and a full refund of tuition and class related fees. Refund deadlines do not apply.

Academic Standing

For most up-to-date information, visit bellevuecollege.edu/policies/id-3200p/

The following procedures are established to implement policy #3200. The primary purpose of these procedures is to quickly identify and alert students with low academic achievement and provide those students with assistance to improve their academic performance.

This procedure applies to all students, with limited exceptions. Exceptions may include students admitted through programs that establish academic standards that include criteria in addition to a student’s GPA, such as students receiving financial aid, international students, and Running Start students. Students impacted by these exceptions should contact the appropriate program advisor for information.


Academic Progress

Students must earn a cumulative and quarterly GPA of 2.0 or higher to remain in good academic standing. The college applies the following progressive consequences for students who do not achieve a good academic standing at the end of each quarter.

Level 1: Academic Concern

The college places students on academic concern at the end of the first quarter in which the student’s cumulative and quarterly GPA falls below 2.0.

The college contacts students placed on academic concern by letter, email, or phone with information related to college success and encourages students to take advantage of college support resources for educational planning.

The college may require students to complete a workshop, class, or other specified intervention that focuses on student success.

The college does not allow an appeal process for the academic concern level.

Level 2: Academic Intervention

The college places students on academic intervention at the end of the second quarter in which their cumulative and quarterly GPA falls below 2.0.

The college contacts students on academic intervention by letter, email, or phone with information related to college success and encourages students to take advantage of college support resources for educational planning.

The college requires students on academic intervention to complete a workshop, class, or other specified intervention that focuses on student success. The college places a registration block on student accounts until students complete the required intervention. The college may limit the number of credits for which students may register in upcoming quarters.

The college does not allow an appeal process for the academic intervention level.

Level 3: Academic Restriction

The college places students on academic restriction at the end of the third quarter in which their cumulative and quarterly GPA falls below 2.0.

The college requires students on academic restriction to limit their registration to eight (8) credits. Students may be required to modify their class schedule as instructed by the college.

Students may be required to complete other academic success interventions as specified by Student Affairs. This may include, but is not limited to the following: mandatory meetings with specified college personnel or mandatory enrollment in a student success course.

Academic Restriction Appeal

Students on academic restriction may request to enroll in additional credits using the appeal process outlined below.

  • Students can access the Academic Standing Appeal form from the Counseling Center webpage.
  • Appeals only apply to fall, winter, and spring quarters.
  • Students restricted to eight (8) credits must have two consecutive quarters earning a quarterly GPA of 2.0 or higher in order to appeal to take up to ten (10) credits.
  • Students restricted to ten (10) credits must have two additional consecutive quarters of earning a quarterly GPA of 2.0 or higher in order to appeal to take more than eight (8) credits.
  • Students must submit the appeal by the first day of the quarter for which they are registering.

Academic Restriction Exemptions

The college exempts some student populations from academic restriction due to federal regulations or other requirements. These students are eligible to take a full-credit load to meet these requirements. However, they will be required to complete an academic success intervention as specified by Student Affairs. This may include, but is not limited to, the following: mandatory meetings with specified college personnel or mandatory enrollment in a student success course. These students are not exempt from the academic dismissal (except for Financial Aid).

Level 4: Academic Dismissal

The college places students on academic dismissal at the end of the fourth quarter in which their cumulative and quarterly GPA falls below 2.0.

The college places a block on student accounts, which prevents students from registering for subsequent quarters for a period of four consecutive quarters.

Students returning to the college after academic dismissal will be placed on academic restriction (registration limited to no more than 8 credits).

Academic Dismissal Appeal

Students on academic dismissal may request reinstatement by following the appeal process outlined below.

  • Students can access the Academic Standing Appeal form on the Counseling Center webpage.
  • Students must submit the appeal by the first day of the quarter in which they are seeking reinstatement.
  • Students should document extenuating circumstances that impacted their academic performance.

Students whose appeal is approved will continue on academic restriction status and will be notified regarding conditions for reinstatement. Possible conditions for reinstatement include, but are not limited to, the following: mandatory meetings with specified college personnel or mandatory enrollment in a student success course.

Students who do not earn a quarterly GPA of 2.0 during the next quarter after readmission are dismissed for another four quarters.

Academic Dismissal Exemptions

The college exempts some student populations from academic dismissal due to federal regulations or other requirements. These students are eligible to take a full-credit load to meet these requirements. However, they will be required to complete an academic success intervention as specified by Student Affairs. This may include, but is not limited to, the following: mandatory meetings with specified college personnel or mandatory enrollment in a student success course.

Student Academic Transcripts

For most up-to-date information, visit bellevuecollege.edu/policies/id-2150p/

The following procedures are established to ensure that current and former students can access their college transcripts.


Unofficial Transcripts 

The college provides access to unofficial transcripts so that students may track their progress towards degree completion, provide academic information for advising appointments and view their quarterly grades. All current and former students can access their unofficial transcript online using their student ID number. Student Central can assist students in accessing their unofficial transcripts, but does not provide students with a copy of unofficial transcripts.

The college allows use of unofficial transcripts from other colleges for academic advising, and for math and English placement decisions. Use of unofficial transcripts may vary by department, and students should check with the department they are working with to determine if submission of an unofficial transcript is permitted.

Official Transcripts 

Official transcripts represent a student’s permanent academic record and are kept by the college indefinitely. Only a student may ask for an official copy of their transcript, or direct where the transcript is sent. The college charges a fee for each copy of an official transcript. Check the Official Transcript Request web page for information related to the cost of an official transcript.

Current and former students may ask for a copy of an official transcript or ask that a transcript be sent to another school, person, or agency in the following ways:

  • Order the transcript online.
  • The college partners with an outside agency to provide an online service for ordering and sending official transcripts.
  • Requests submitted online are typically processed within 2 – 3 business days.
  • Mail a written request to the Bellevue College Enrollment Services Department, or submit a written request in person at the U Building Information desk.
  • Refer to the Official Transcript Request web page for information needed to request a transcript.
  • Requests submitted by mail or in-person are typically processed within 3 – 4 business days after receiving the request.
  • Payment by check or money order must be included with the request.

Whenever possible, the college transmits official transcripts electronically.

Course Numbering

In general, the course numbers from 1-99 designate pre-college or developmental level courses. Classes numbered from 100-299 are lower division college level. Courses numbered 300-499 are upper-division bachelor-degree level. Course numbers 199 or 299 designate independent studies classes. Courses numbered 198 or 298 are special seminar classes. Course numbers 194, 294, 394 and 494 are assigned for special topics classes.

Only college-level courses numbered 100 and above can apply to a Bellevue degree or certificate. Courses numbered below 100, however, can be used to meet some prerequisite or proficiency requirements.

Courses listed in this catalog constitute the total academic program of the college, but not all courses are offered every quarter or every year. Consult the Class Schedule for a list of specific course offerings.

Transfer to Bellevue College

In addition to earning credits by taking BC classes, students have other options for applying college-level credits toward a BC degree or certificate. These options are listed below. For a credit evaluation, students must submit official transcripts or test score reports to the Evaluations/Graduation Office.

Credits Earned at Other Institutions

We award college credit for many types of learning. You can transfer credits from another college, professional certifications, or even get credit for work and life experience. We also accept exams such as AP, IB, and A-Levels.

The college reserves the right to accept or reject credits earned at other institutions of higher education. The information recorded on transfer credits and the transfer GPA become part of the student’s record; however, they are not part of the student’s official transcript. Not all transfer credits may apply toward graduation requirements. Visit bellevuecollege.edu/admissions-aid/process/transfer/ for details.


Credit Restrictions

Cross-Listed Courses

Certain courses are cross-listed in more than one discipline. Only one of the cross-listed courses may be taken for credits, not both. For example, the catalog description for POLS 201  states “Same as PHIL 201 . Either POLS 201  or PHIL 201  may be taken for credit, not both.”

Out-of-Sequence Courses

It is recommended that credits in composition, mathematics, world language, or science be taken in sequence. Out-of-sequence courses will still be applied towards graduation, however,  the student should check with the school they plan to transfer on the out-of-sequence policy.

Parallel Courses

Credit is not awarded for those courses that are similar enough in content that students should not receive credit for both classes. The courses will have different titles, course descriptions, and learning outcomes, but credit is not granted for both. For example, the catalog will specify “Either MATH& 141 - Precalculus I  or MATH 138 - College Algebra for Business & Social Science  may be taken for credit, not both.”

Residency Credit Requirement

At least one-third of the credits required for an associate degree or certificate must be completed in residence at BC. For a bachelor’s degree, at least 45 credits applied to the degree must be completed in residence at BC, of which 30 credits must be upper-division.

Continuous Enrollment

Students in professional/technical programs may elect to graduate under the provisions of the official catalog in effect at the time they first started at the college OR at the time they apply to graduate, providing five years have not lapsed and they have remained continuously enrolled at the college. Students in transfer degree programs must follow current degree requirements to ensure their transferability to four-year baccalaureate colleges or universities.

Maximum Transfer Credit

Credits transferred from other institutions cannot exceed two-thirds of the credits required by the degree or certificate. All credits are subject to approval by the Evaluations Office based on credit equivalency, applicability to the degree or certificate, and the institution’s accreditation

The college reserves the right to accept or reject credit earned in professional, vocational or technical courses. Departments may review course equivalencies or requirements completed at other institutions. Some programs have provisions that coursework completed to satisfy degree or certificate requirements must be current. Previously completed credits may have exceeded the maximum length of time that
can lapse from time of completion.

World Languages Courses

The World Languages department strongly recommends that native speakers of a language do not take first-year courses in that language. Native language is defined as the language spoken in the student’s home during the first six years of his or her life and in which he or she received instruction through the seventh grade. A first-year course would be an incorrect placement for a student fitting this definition. Native-speaking students may either study another language in the program or contact the World Languages coordinator of their language for correct placement at a higher level.

This recommendation applies as well to heritage speakers for whom first-year language courses are not an appropriate placement. A heritage speaker is defined as a student who has had the language spoken in the home from childhood but has received limited or no instruction in that language. The World Languages program recommends that heritage speakers consult with the coordinator of their language for their correct placement level or consider another language offered by the program. Native and heritage speakers using 100-level coursework for transfer credit at a university should check with the college/university for an individual transfer credit policy.

Academic Concentration

Certain departments and programs at BC offer an Academic Concentrations  option. Students who are pursuing an Associate in Arts and Science transfer degree may elect to complete such a concentration for notation on their transcripts and diplomas. The academic concentration shows that the student has spent the time and effort to acquire depth in a particular discipline, in addition to meeting BC’s normal breadth of requirements. The “concentration” discipline may be the student’s intended major at a baccalaureate institution or it may simply be a topic he or she is interested in studying in-depth.

Students must complete 20 credit hours in the concentration discipline as determined by the program. When a student satisfies the Associate in Arts and Sciences and the concentration requirements, her/his degree designation reads “Associate in Arts and Sciences with a Concentration in …” (for example, Associate in Arts and Sciences with a Concentration in Music).