Dec 03, 2024
DEV 300 - Problem Solving Strategies 5 CR
Previously ISIT 300. This course classifies and examines a variety of problem-solving methodologies to improve a person’s problem solving and decision-making skills. Students engage in personal and group dynamics, vertical/convergent methods, creative/lateral thinking techniques and communication skills to apply and solve technical and non-technical problems.
Prerequisite(s): Admission into one of the following programs: BAS Data Analysis and Management, BAS Software Development, BAS Cybersecurity, or BAS Business Management and Technology, or permission of the instructor.
Course Outcomes
- Apply problem-solving skills in today’s organizations.
- Distinguish, develop and classify problem-solving strategies in individual and group settings.
- Analyze and articulate causes of a problem.
- Present both the problem-solving process and defend the effectiveness of the outcome.
- Articulate problem-solving strategies and methodologies in relation to organizational problems.
- Experiment with lateral and vertical thinking techniques to arrive at a solution.
- Present concisely the problem and solution to an appropriate client.
- Compile and implement a plan to use technology in problem-solving.
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