Mar 31, 2025
2023-24 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
How To Use Online Catalog
The new interactive online format might take some adjustment for readers accustomed to the paper format. Here are some tips:
- The left-hand navigation bar provides links to the sections of the catalog.
- PDF worksheets are also available at bellevuecollege.edu/academics/worksheets/2022-23/transfer for transfer programs only
- Use the anchor links at the top of most pages to “jump” to the content you seek.
- Use the “return to top” arrow at the bottom right to return to the top of each page.
- Filter on the Courses page is a great tool! Select a prefix from the drop-down menu, or search term in the “Keyword or Phrase” box to see all classes that list that term in their descriptions.
- The Catalog Search tool is robust. Your results will be easier to manage if you click “Modify Search Options” and include or exclude appropriate result types. Experiment with sorting by Alphabetical or Ranking order, too.
- Need a hard copy of a page or section? Click the printer icon to open a plain version of the text, then print to a printer or to PDF.
- PDF’s of the previous editions of the catalog are available at bellevuecollege.edu/publications/catalog/
NOTE: Bellevue College strives for a sustainable campus, and we no longer print catalogs, thereby saving paper, plus the energy to produce catalogs each year.