CES 201 - Sports and Culture 5 CR
Previously: ETHN 200. Using the cultural framework of sports and the world around it, students critically analyze related social issues such as race, class, and gender. Multiple perspectives are included.
Prerequisite(s): Placement by assessment into ENGL 101 or ENGL 092 or ENGL 093 with a C- or better.
Course Outcomes The United States is highly unique in the incredible amount of racial, ethnic, cultural, and economic diversity it possesses. Thus, it is imperative that its citizens possess the willingness and ability to relate to and understand individuals with different backgrounds. The universal nature of what defines sport makes it an ideal conceptual tool to explore the dynamics of cultural interaction within society at large. Upon successful completion of this course, students will: - Increase his or her skill development in critical thinking, reading, and writing.
- Further their knowledge base of social issues and ideas within an increased frame of reference.
- Develop the ability to sort, decode, and understand cultural and intercultural messages.
- Become fluent regarding the sociopolitical role, impact, and influence of sports in society.
- Discover their own place as a potential difference maker and positive contributor in the world.
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