Mar 13, 2025
NMTEC 203 - Computers in Nuclear Medicine 3 CR
Introduces the use of computers in nuclear medicine, emphasizing analysis of static, dynamic, and tomographic images.
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into program.
Course Outcomes - Discuss in general terms the operation of a single computer and a computer network, and discuss advantages of digital systems for nuclear medicine imaging.
- Describe the parameters and mechanics of image acquisition into a nuclear medicine computer, and analyze imaging scenarios to suggest an appropriate image matrix.
- Discuss conventions and pitfalls related to display of nuclear medicine images.
- Discuss and apply processing techniques for static, dynamic, gated, and tomographic images, including count profiles, regions of interest, time-activity curves, mathematical manipulations, and filtering.
- Explain processing and analyze results for specific nuclear medicine studies, including renal imaging, gated blood pool imaging, cardiac shunts, and myocardial perfusion imaging.
- Utilize nuclear medicine computers in a laboratory situation to apply computer processing techniques to patient studies.
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