Mar 31, 2025
MATH& 141 - Precalculus I 5 CR
Emphasizes graphs and polynomial functions. Other topics include the theory of equations and rational, exponential, inverse, and logarithmic functions. MATH 138 and MATH& 141 have overlapping content and students are not recommended to take both. Note: Fulfills the quantitative or symbolic reasoning course requirement at BC.
Prerequisite(s): Placement by assessment or MATH 99 with a B- or better.
Course Outcomes
- Perform operations on algebraic expressions.
- Recognize, evaluate, graph, and transform functions, inverse functions, and circles.
- Perform operations with functions, including composition.
- Find rational and complex zeros of polynomials using the theory of polynomial equations.
- Solve equations, inequalities, and systems of linear equations.
- Solve application problems.
GenEd Outcomes: Creative and Critical Thinking - Critical Thinking/Problem Solving
- Quantitative/Symbolic Reasoning
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