Mar 06, 2025
MBS 350 - Bioinformatics 5 CR
Topics include protein and DNA sequence alignments, evolutionary analysis and phylogenetic trees, obtaining protein secondary structure from sequence, and analysis of gene expression including clustering methods.
Admission to the Molecular Biosciences, BAS and MBS 340 or equivalent with a C+ or higher, or permission of the program chair.
Course Outcomes
- Access sequence data on appropriate databases for DNA, RNA and proteins.
- Explain and perform pairwise and multiple alignment methods.
- Understand and use BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) proficiently, together with some more advanced related programs.
- Apply different computational strategies used to predict the 3D structure of new proteins.
- Explain the experimental techniques used in expressional and functional proteomics and the role of bioinformatics in analyzing the data.
- Perform motif and domain searches in protein databases.
- Explain microarray technology and microarray data analysis.
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