Sep 20, 2024
AHEA 102 - Introduction to Medical Administration 5 CR
Previously HPRO 135. This course introduces students to basic medical office procedures, including patient scheduling, written and oral communication, telecommunications, medical records management, and daily financial practices. Either HPRO 135 or AHEA 102 may be taken for credit, but not both.
Prerequisite(s): Placement by assessment into ENGL 101 , or completion of ENGL 092 or ENGL 093 with a C or better. Completion of AHE 100 , AHE 110 , and<$! > BTS 161 with a C or better or permission of instructor.
Course Outcomes Describe the role and function of medical administration in the office setting. Distinguish and use appropriate medical administrative procedures Process basic financial and medical records for a medical office Apply medical administrative procedures with traditional and informatics based systems Communicate effectively and professionally with workplace patients and staff Apply safety practices for the medical office
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