Quarterly credit schedules are available in advance to help students plan class schedules and include days, times, locations and instructors for each class being offered.
OLS at Bellevue College is an innovative 90-credit associate degree program unlike any other program in the nation. This program gives adults with cognitive disabilities the opportunity to acquire an accredited college degree that leads to post – graduation employment rates well above the national average. The curriculum is occupational and life skills based taught through scaffold instruction and universal design. All OLS courses focus on developing critical thinking skills, soft skills, and self – determination skills. Courses incorporate service learning in the community with local businesses as a way to help students utilize new skills outside of the classroom. Students create a career pathway over a three year period that is specific to their self – identified skills, strengths, and passions. An internship of 200 hours related to that career pathway is completed during their last 2 quarters. Additional information can be found at www.OLSatBellevueCollege.com. No courses offered summer quarter.